Investors/ContributorsWhich tax benefits for the contributors? IndividualsIncome tax deductionDonations to qualified charitable foundations entitle individuals to an income tax deduction equal to 66% of the contribution total amount, The deduction limit being 20% of taxable income (art. 200 du CGI (tax code)). Example :In 2008, a 1000 euros contribution entitles to a 660 euros tax deduction (in the taxable income 20% limit). Once payment is settled, a tax donation receipt is received promptly. This receipt will act as a documentary evidence of donation for tax return. Wealth tax reductionDonations to qualified charitable foundations entitle individuals subjected to wealth tax to a wealth tax deduction equal to 75% of the contribution total amount, the deduction being limited to 50 000 euros (art. 885 – 0 V bis A du CGI(tax code)). Warning : Part of the donation that entitles to tax deduction cannot benefit from taxable income rebate (article 200 du CGI (tax code)). Once payment is settled, a tax donation receipt is received promptly. This receipt will act as a documentary evidence of donation for tax return. CompaniesContributions entitle companies to a tax break of 60% of the donation with a ceiling of 0.5% of the company turnover. Should this ceiling be exceeded or should the financial year shows a deficit the balance can be carried over for the 5 fiscal years following the donation (Article 238 bis 1° du code général des impôts (tax code)). Once payment is settled, a tax donation receipt is received promptly. This receipt will act as a documentary evidence of donation for tax return. |
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